EORTC Head and Neck Group Meeting
The EORTC Head and Neck Group met in Leipzig 13-14 October. This was a full 2 day meting with a translational research session on the first morning, which showcased the work of a number of groups undertaking some very exciting work in clinically relevant models of disease and drug resistance. The balance of the meeting consisted of the planning, development and reporting on a number of EORTC supported clinical trials and studies in Head and Neck cancer including HNSCC, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, AR-expressing salivary gland tumours and QoL studies in long-term survivors.

There was also a session on Pathology in clinical trials, with Prof Christian Wittekind (of TNM classification) speaking on issues in HNSCC diagnosis and Keith Hunter speaking on the need for defined pathology QA in clinical trials. The next meeting will be in Florence in March 2018.