grants and prizes
trainee/Specialist regstrar/early career researcher/postgraduate student prizes
There will be two StR/Early Career research prizes for BSOMP members: one will be for the best research poster/verbal presentation and the other for the best clinical poster/verbal presentation at the annual BSOMP meeting. Applicants should indicate their intention to enter for either the research or the clinical prize on the abstract and be members of the society working, studying and/or practicising in the UK.
The research prize is open to StRs who are carrying out research as part of their training, newly appointed consultants who are within two years of their CCST, or early career researchers who are carrying out research related to Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.
Clinical Presentation prize (Oral or Poster)
This category includes clinical case presentations, audits and quality improvement activities which can be presented as oral or poster presentations. Applicants must be a member of the BSOMP to be eligible for this prize and must be working, studying and/or practicing in the UK.
The judging will take place during the annual BSOMP meeting and, if giving a poster, applicants will be required to stand by their posters at the appointed time.
The judges will be members of or appointed by the BSOMP.
If giving a poster, applicants will be judged on the clarity of the abstract, the layout and design of the poster, the originality and importance of the case(s), relevance of the conclusion, use of references and the response to questioning.
If giving a verbal presentation, applicants will be judged on the clarity of the abstract, the originality and importance of the case, the clarity of the presentation, the review of the literature, use of references and response to questioning.
The value of the prize will be £100; the assessors, at their discretion may divide the prize if there is more than one winner.
The winner will be announced before the end of the BSOMP meeting.
Research Prize (Oral or Poster)
The POTTS Prize
This category includes novel research which can be presented as oral or poster presentations. Applicants must be a member of the BSOMP to be eligible for this prize and must be working, studying and/or practicing in the UK.
The judging will take place during the annual BSOMP meeting and, if giving a poster, applicants will be required to stand by their posters at the appointed time.
The judges will be members of or appointed by the BSOMP.
If giving a poster, applicants will be judged on the clarity of the abstract, the layout and design of the poster, the originality and importance of the idea, appropriate methodology and design, conclusion relevant to the results and response to questioning.
If giving a verbal presentation, applicants will be judged on the clarity of the abstract, the originality and importance of the idea, appropriate methodology and design, conclusion relevant to the results and response to questioning.
The value of the prize will be £100; the assessors, at their discretion, may divide the prize if there is more than one winner.
The winner will be announced before the end of the BSOMP meeting.
This prize has been named in memory of Dr John Potts who sadly passed away in 2021. Dr Potts qualified with BDS from Manchester dental school in 1972, also completing an intercalated BSc in Physiology gaining a double first and winning the Charles Henry Preston prize awarded to the top dental student. Having trained in pathology in Birmingham and gaining MRCPath, he continued to work at Birmingham Dental School for several years. He subsequently moved to Cardiff Dental School in 1992 as a senior lecturer/consultant in oral pathology and worked for many years single-handed providing teaching and diagnostic services, as well as contributing to oral medicine clinics until 2005. Dr Potts played a key role in providing clinical and technical input to the digitisation of services at Cardiff, overseeing the introduction of computers to clinical areas. He was instrumental in introducing the SALUD and LIFT-UP systems into clinics. Dr Potts was one of six founder members of the British Society for Oral Medicine (BSOM) which recognised his contributions to oral medicine and awarded him an Honorary Fellowship at the annual scientific meeting in Cardiff in 2016. As an oral pathologist, Dr Potts supported clinical services and played a crucial role in the care of many thousands of patients, his diagnosis being crucial to the management of those with the most serious orofacial diseases.